Want to ask a question ? Contact us on telegram: @buffy_shop.


Buffy Shop


Terms of Service

Before buying an account

You must read the description of the product before purchasing.

What voids your warranty ?

Account bans: If the account gets banned because of your actions, you will not be given a replacement.

Changing sensitive info of the account including (but not limited to) card and billing information.

Negative review without contacting support first

Changing the active subscription plan.

Changing any account information that are necessary for the legitimacy of the account.

Not answering our support messages on telegram for longer than 5 Days


Delivery can take anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. However, it can sometimes take a bit longer because of some issues.

Please contact support and wait for an answer before leaving a negative review. Premature negative reviews will be punished by a warranty void.

If you need something contact us on telegram :)


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